HOLISTIC team consists of qualified and experienced professional engineers, management consultants, economists, marketing/communication specialists, behavioural analysts and sociologists.
Our aim is to provide comprehensive consultancy services in respect of “Organisation and Management”, “Digital Services”, “Energy and Environmental Policy and Planning” and "Project Communication and Exploitation" to meet our clients’ requirements.
Our Knowledge
Our knowledge cover the fields of:
- Energy and environmental / climate policy.
- Promotion of energy efficiency / renewable energy technologies and modern financing mechanisms.
- Intelligent energy management (in buildings and organisations, based also on ISO 50001, etc.).
- Elaboration of sustainable energy and climate action plans.
- Energy corporate responsibility of enterprises.
- Design and development of innovative systems and ‘IoT’ solutions for Smart Cities, using big data technologies and analytics.
- Decision analysis in the field of eBusiness, eGovernment and eParticipation, as well as optimisation systems and algorithms, decision support systems and enterprise interoperability.
- Design and implementation of information technology systems.
- Open governmental data, web development and enterprise interoperability.
- Design, development and management of IT and database systems,
- Context awareness, risk management, Business Process Reengineering, Knowledge Representation.
- Stakeholders engagement, marketing strategies, dissemination, communication and exploitation.
Our Experience
The members of the HOLISTIC team have participated as project managers, experts or researchers in several European (Horizon 2020, FP7, Intelligent Energy Europe, etc.) and national projects, in the following fields:
- Design, development and implementation of a web-based Decision Support System (DSS), exploiting multi-sourced data weather conditions, social mining, buildings’ energy profiles, energy prices, energy production) within a smart city context towards the creation of energy management action plans.
- Supporting local and regional authorities in the development and implementation of Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans, especially with the framework of the Covenant of Mayors.
- Integrating advanced ICT technologies in a single electronic web-based platform to provide energy management services for public building, facilities, venues, pillars, electric vehicles’ stations, etc.
- Investigating the technical, socio-economic and environmental aspects of renewable energy cooperation between the EU and third countries.
- Big data integration and processing.
- Support SMEs in their effort to collect, analyze and draw useful insights from existing open public data.
- Development of methodologies and systems of eGovernment and eParticipation.
- Business Process Re-engineering for private and public organisations.
Moreover, our team has been involved in the stakeholders engagement, dissemination, communication and/or exploitation activities of the above-mentioned projects.